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Webmaster T's World of Design
Page of Fame

Sites marked with the "Spread the News" icon have contributed in some way to this site.

Award Winners

javaplanet.gif (1194 bytes) JavaScript Planet has over 325  JavaScripts for you to use as you see fit.  All scripts are in the public domaint-design2.gif (1651 bytes) so you have no problem using them on your site. This was the first site to be added to Webmaster Ts' Page of Fame. The author is Mattias Sjöberg and you can read an interview and critique of the site T did for an earlier edition of the "WoD" .

Graphic Web@rt Markus Gemstads' Graphic @Gemstads is one of the best image galleries I have seen on the net!   t-design2.gif (1651 bytes) All images are available for download to make your page come alive with his superior buttons, icons and backgrounds. The logo and award for the e-zine were designed and created by Markus. Thanks muchly buddy!!!!!

the survey .com Jim Barchuck was a great deal of help in writing the Stupid Indent Tricks tutorial. His page entitledt-design2.gif (1651 bytes) indent/ at this site was the source of much of the information  used in preparation of the article.

Virtual Promote Gazette The small banner is your link to some good weekend reading. Friday has become at-design2.gif (1651 bytes) special day around IWB since we started receiving this gem. This is just part of thepackage, be sure to check out the rest of the site it's chuck full o' info and is a Starting Point Hot Site. Thanks for the contribution Jim and keep them pearls of wisdom comin'!

WebDeVL.gif (1827 bytes) This link is to the best resource I've found anywhere. Library sums this site up perfectly. When I began the journey to HTML enlightenment I spent many enjoyable hours here studying the great tutorials.

The first site to receive the award that is not strictly a web promotion or development resource. Very unusual design for a lawyering site. There is an excellent tutorial on copyright with links to required documents.

Gator's Byte: A Free Weekly Web Site Promotion Column that T'man came across combing Lycos. Very informative with a writing style that is to T's peculiar taste. A must read for serious promoters.

A mix of tutorials for graphic design and free one of a kind graphics makes this site a great mixture of learning and pleasure that is seldom seen on the www. The themes are well thought out and useful to professional and amateur alike.

This site should be a regular stop for any developing or intermediate webmaster. Chat rooms, interactive HTML tutorials and much, much more right down to possibly talking directly with experienced webmasters! Great site that gave me lots of ideas for the "WoD".

This site contains some very useful resources for a site launch, announcing and press releases. Definitely worth any time you spend there.

smallwebteacher.gif (1788 bytes)  Rob is a teacher and it shows in the presentation of the material. I learned more about JavaScript in ten minutes here than from any of the countless articles I've read which did nothing more than to confuse me further.The recent addition of the Perl tour including some easy database applications is going to get lots of attention from T. He really likes Rob's style.

Almost everything you need in the way of java resources are on this site. Excellent layout and winner of many awards.

Focus Associates site is maintained by David Bancroft. Good marketing information and a well maintained and comprehensive list of Awards you can submit to.

There is a downloadable list of tags available on this site that is useful to beginners and advanced authors alike. Good descriptions and all the applicable attributes allowed.

If you are not receiving the newsletter you are missing out on one of the best resources available on the net. The information on this web site is the best around and has been featured by many of the major search engines and Marketing sites.  Needless to say the "Most Favored Status" Award isn't to be found on this site;)

This site is maintained by Patrick McElhaney whom I regard highly. I occasionally have gone to Patrick for help when I'm stumped and he has always showed me the way out of HTML Hell! Thanks Patrick! If you have a few minutes take the time to check out his personal site as well.

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acculogo.gif (1259 bytes)The webmaster and site owner of AccuType, Lin McCrumb, was kind enough to make the newest icon to Help Spread the news!  We like this one so much and the spirit in which it was done that it will signify contributors to the "WoD" for as long as we're clutterin' up the net!

Graphx KingdomThe Graphx Kingdom is maintained by Andrew Sain. The Gallery has 3,000 icons to download in several categories ranging from insects and Sports Teams to seven pages of miscellaneous icons. There are some .zip files for easy download.

wwio.gif (2088 bytes)Site offers FREEWare Content in many categories to visitors for use on their sites and in their newsletters.

title.jpg (2831 bytes)All the current HTML tags with examples for each. Plus detailed, easy to understand tutorials on frames, stylesheets, etc.

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Paul Myers is the driving force behind Talk Biz a site with many marketing articles provided by some of the best marketing minds on the net. Paul also helped out on the email site contributing two tutorials on newsgroup advertising and the best Pegasus tutorial I have come across in my search for information on this free email client. Subscribe to Paul's newsletter you won't be disappointed!

smlogo.gif (7091 bytes)A great site with plenty of useful graphics and tutorials for Paint Shop Pro. If you are using this graphics editor spend a few hours here you won't be disappointed.

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This is one of the best Canadian business sites I've come across, other than perhaps Strategis but it's so large it is very tough to find good information. There is a free directory for Canadian businesses and an excellent template for press releases.

smlogo1.gif (2031 bytes)A site very similar to the "wod", so I truly understand the work required to maintain and research a site of this nature. Other than the WDVL this is the only other site I've come across that not only provided lots of links but also developed content for the site. Anyone can gather links it takes a special breed to add good unique content.

tjsbutton.gif (10569 bytes)Well laid out site with excellent JavaScript library. I found plenty of useful scripts for webmasters looking to add functionality or interactive elements to a site.


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 T's World Logo,  cover and awards graphics 
by and Copyright © 1997-2009  Markus Gemstad 
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International Website Builders all rights reserved.
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